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Buying a vibrator for the first time can be a little awkward, even embarrassing. But don’t let that put you off. It’s also lots of fun. Even if you are a sex toy novice, the rest of the world is...

10 Tips on how to get and stay motivated
Motivation … It can be as elusive as the television remote. And, once found, it can all too easily slip away again. That’s why as a crazy-busy single mum, it’s essential to have a few instant inspiration-inducing ideas to hand....

Dating someone with kids: New relationship tips post-divorce
Do you remember the heady days of dating before you had kids? When the biggest worry was what perfume to wear and how much cleavage to show? Well, scratch all that. If you are dating with kids, it’s a whole...

Find inner peace: 100 Powerful mantras for meditation
Do you spend your days trying to remain calm and content against the odds of your crazy single mum life? Does your to-do list never seem to end, and finding a moment of peace seems impossible? If so, you are...

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107 Free and easy self-care ideas: Boost your mental and physical wellbeing
No excuses, ladies. Self-care is a MUST. And you don’t need money to make yourself feel good. Self-care doesn’t have to be expensive. I have heaps of self-care ideas that cost nothing at all. There are different types of self-care....

Master your sleep hygiene: 10 Proven tips to sleep better and improve sleep quality
Do you dream of skipping out of bed with a smile on your face? Or is getting a good night’s sleep a lost cause, relegated to the carefree BC (before children) days? Improved sleep quality doesn’t need to be the...

Squeezing in Exercise as a Busy Single Mum
Finding time to exercise as a busy single mum may be a long way down your priority list. Something for people with the luxury we crave … time. We all know its importance, but that doesn’t make it any easier....

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How to cope with loneliness as a single parent
Most of the time, I would describe myself as happy and fulfilled in my role as a single parent. I live for the daily hugs, the butterfly kisses and the sweet just-before-bedtime snuggles. Coping with loneliness as a single parent...

Children’s books about divorce and separation: Helping Kids Cope 2024
Parenting is hard, but parenting through divorce is harder. While dealing with our emotions, we must also help our kids understand and cope with the situation. Thank goodness for a wonderful range of children’s books about divorce and separation that...