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Not all apps are for youngsters! And this is certainly the case with dating apps. In this article, I discuss dating apps for the over 40s. Dating in your 40s and very possibly with kids in tow, can feel daunting. For...
10 Solo date ideas if you’re feeling a bit unsure
You don’t need a partner to go on a date. In fact, in some cases, it’s even better doing it by yourself! But, we get it. It can feel intimidating going it alone when others around you are with friends...
Genius tips for the first time (in a long time) dating single mum
Are you contemplating dating again but it’s been such a long time and you feel very out of practice? If so, you’ve happened across the perfect podcast! I chat with the fabulous Elly Johnson who, alongside Leena Sisco, owns TruthLove...
Telltale signs you are dating a narcissist
We have always known that there are “those” guys. They are the “jerks”, they are “arrogant” or just “totally in love with themselves” but when did the labels get so complicated? Is it just because we have experts on television...
How to stop overthinking when you start dating
Dating should be a fun experience, a journey to finding your dream partner. However, more often than not, dating is met with stress, worry and anxiety. This, in turn leads to overthinking, which makes dating anything but fun. I know...
Why limiting beliefs can ruin your dating life
You thought finding someone you liked would be much easier than this! It’s frustrating because you know how to achieve results in every other area of your life, yet those actions aren’t getting you results with dating and relationships. It...
How to create a dating profile if you’re an introvert
Congratulations! You’ve taken the leap and finally downloaded that dating app that your friend recommended months ago. You go to sign up, filled with anticipation, and then you’re asked to fill in your profile. It’s not an easy task, especially...
Why dating a single mum is every man’s dream
Do you lack confidence when dating as a single mum? This is entirely understandable and, yes, you are perfectly normal. Having been through the emotional challenges of a relationship breakdown it’s not unusual to question what went wrong and even...