Lots of single mums make the decision to study with the intention of changing or improving their career. Many are super successful and absolutely love it. But it’s not for everyone. If you’re thinking about returning to the world of...
Kid’s bedtime: Here’s how to keep it calm and controlled …
Also known rather scarily as the “witching hour”, kid’s bedtime can feel like the most stressful part of the day. Just as you are running out of steam and would love nothing more than to hop into your own bed...
Recognising and coping with burnout as a single mum
Burnout out is an accurate way to describe the feeling that most single mums experience at some point. No doubt as you read this, you are nodding knowingly. You feel it now or have felt it in the past. But...
Play with your kids in their virtual worlds
Your Kids in their Virtual World If your kids spend a lot of time playing video games and you think that they don’t get out enough, don’t worry. That doesn’t mean they are doing something bad or spending money on...
Rediscovering sexual orientation as a single mother
Whether you’re newly single again or have been thinking about getting back into dating for some time, being a single parent can be very challenging. At the same time, being single again can allow you to rediscover important things about...
The health insurance checklist all mums need to know
Let’s face it, health insurance bills have a big impact on the household budget and when you’re living on a single income, it’s even more difficult to stay on top of everyday expenses. Unfortunately, some health insurance premiums are going...
10 Solo date ideas if you’re feeling a bit unsure
You don’t need a partner to go on a date. In fact, in some cases, it’s even better doing it by yourself! But, we get it. It can feel intimidating going it alone when others around you are with friends...
How to get help with this parenting gig
I honestly don’t believe there is a parent alive who doesn’t struggle at times. How can we not? There are no hard and fast rules for parenting. No guide to follow, or exams to pass. Yes, parenting is a mission...
My ex and father of my kids has a new girlfriend, help …
It is one thing dealing with your ex-partner meeting someone new, but a whole different ball game if you are co-parenting with him. Knowing he is with someone else can be emotionally challenging, even if you instigated the break-up with...