Are you looking for some Halloween fun that doesn’t involve knocking on strangers doors at night and demanding lollies? You are not alone if you prefer to keep your kids safely entertained at home with some Halloween games.
There are lots of fun ways to enjoy this scary night whether it is just you and your little one, or a house full of kids.
Get in the mood by decorating your home with a thrilling theme and making some spookily simple Halloween food.
Next, it’s the entertainment.
Luckily there are lots of ghoulish games to play on Halloween.
Make sure you choose something age-appropriate and inclusive of everyone involved. Perhaps you have the space for a Halloween scavenger hunt or prefer some spookily simple Halloween craft.
Whatever your lot are into, we have heaps of ideas to keep the kids entertained without stranger danger or crossing roads on dark nights.
Staying home on Halloween can be frightfully good fun!
Further reading: Frighteningly fun alternatives to trick or treating.
Kids Halloween games to play at home
1. Beanbag toss pumpkins
Pumpkin carving + beanbag toss = endless fun. Grab some pumpkins, remove the insides, and use the handy template to trace and cut a face onto each pumpkin. Stack two pumpkins on top of each other, securing with skewers if needed. Now you’re ready to toss the beanbags into the pumpkin mouths.
Source: Good Housekeeping
2. Spooky tic tac toe
We love Halloween games that double as a crafting activity. This spooky game of tic tac toe requires painting wooden discs with creepy monsters like spiders, vampires or eyeballs. You’ll also need a burlap bag for the tic tac toe board and to keep the discs in.
Source: Parade
3. Halloween scavenger hunt
Classic Halloween games like this scavenger hunt are always great fun. Use the free printable template below (clue cards and location cheat sheet included) to get the party started in no time, or customise it to your heart’s content … add more clues for older kids or make it easier for little ones.

Source: Play Party Plan
4. Find the eyeball in the haystack
Here’s a Halloween activity that puts a seasonal spin on another classic party game. Grab a deep plastic bin and fill it with fake hay and one candy eyeball (you can use one bin or multiple for teams). The first one to find the eyeball gets to add it to their goody bag.
Source: Womans Day
5. Halloween bingo
No list of Halloween games would be complete without Halloween Bingo. Use the free printable template by Artsy Fartsy Mama that’s all Halloween pictures … perfect for younger kids. Laminate the cards and pieces so you can use them next Halloween!
Source: Artsy Fartsy Mama
6. Bobbing for donuts
Swap the apples for donuts this year for a more exciting Halloween game. Hang a bunch of donuts from a tree or pole and let the kids go to town. If you want a healthier alternative to the sugary treats, bake up some muffins or use pieces of fruit.
Source: Trend Hunter
7. Truth or scare
Remember those truth or dare games you played as a kid? This Halloween version is equally exciting and works for kids of all ages. Even adults can play! No need to come up with your own questions or ‘scares’, just print out the PDF from Play Party Plan and you’re all set.
Source: Play Party Plan
8. Pumpkin sweep
Your kids will love this fun Halloween game of pumpkin sweep. All you need is a bunch of pumpkins and brooms. Divide players into teams and mark up a finish line. The first team to sweep all of their pumpkins to the finish line wins.
Source: Good Housekeeping
9. Monster freeze dance
Get your little monsters moving and groovin’ on the dance floor with the monster mash freeze dance. Play your favourite Halloween tunes and tell the kids to dance while the music plays and ‘freeze’ as soon as it stops. Anyone caught dancing when the music stops is out of the game.
Source: Kid Spot
10. Guess how many
No time to plan a party? No problem. This is one of the easiest halloween games on our list. Just fill a jar with candy corn (count or guesstimate) and ask the kids to guess how many are in the jar. The kid with the closest answer wins a special Halloween prize.
Source: BHG