With so many single mothers struggling with the cost of living, one of the most obvious solutions is sharing a home (and the costs involved) with another single parent family. There are so many advantages, but many women don’t know...
How to save money on your single parent health insurance
Health insurance can easily (and understandably) be forgotten about during a separation. But it’s really important that you understand the implications of your health insurance policy and the options available to you as a single parent. In this podcast I...
The difference between divorce and financial separation
Yes, we’re heading back to that challenging time .. the part of your breakup where you have to sort out the practical, paperwork stuff .. more specifically your financial separation and your divorce. I am not afraid to admit that...
How to improve communication with your ex
When it come to life’s conundrums, I swear this is one of the biggest doozie’s of them all … You breakup with a guy because the relationship isn’t working, yet you have to communicate with him about the most important...
Reinventing your style: Fashion to keep on trend in midlife
Fashion trends come and go and if you have found yourself stuck in a style rut for too many years now, today is the day to make a change. If you want to dress to impress and find a style...
What to expect in the first year after separation
The first year after a separation has got to be one of the most challenging in the life of a single mother. It is a time of huge change and highly-charged emotions. It is something that is almost impossible to...
How to start dating again after a breakup
Every woman has experienced a horrible breakup at some point. It’s soul destroying. But this podcast is all about getting over it, getting back out there, and starting to date again. And there is no better person to guide us...
Invaluable insights for raising your teenager
As the mother of a teenager and a pre-teen, this podcast was absolutely spot-on for me .. and I am sure it will be for many listeners. Sometimes it is so hard to know what’s going on in our teenagers...
Why knowledge is power in a financial separation
These podcasts are just getting better and better. And I’m not blowing my own trumpet here. You can NOT fail to get support if you’re in the ‘financial separation’ stage by listening to this chat with Belinda Eldridge from Divide....