Single mum’s tend to get a raw deal on Mother’s Day. Not only do we have to make our own celebrations, but we have to clean up after them too!
But don’t worry, we have your back.
This list of ten reasons to celebrate being a single mum on Mother’s Day will leave you feeling so festive you’ll want to table dance in your mum jeans and macaroni necklace all night long.
1. You’re the ‘mum’ boss
This Mother’s Day celebrate your independence. Making all the decisions in the house means no more fighting over who’s turn it is take out the trash. You can decide what’s appropriate and what’s not, and you even get to have complete control over the family budget (hello, Kmart). Adulting isn’t always fun, but doing it on your terms is definitely something to celebrate.
2. You can Break the Rules
What’s better than making the rules? Breaking them! Cereal for dinner, sharing the bed, too many smooches, you can do it all! Celebrate the little shortcuts and take-out dinners this Mother’s Day instead of doing what everyone else is.
3. You don’t have to deal with the in-laws
No more Sundays spent at the in-laws hearing all about how you could be a better mum this Mother’s Day. You won’t even have to help the kids make a last minute gift on the kitchen floor the night before. This day is all yours now, and you get to spend it however you want. Married mums eat your heart out.
4. You get to buy your own presents
Goodbye one millionth pair of pink fluffy slippers, hello massage vouchers!
If there’s one thing that I struggle with on Mother’s Day, it’s feeling left out. I miss being cooked breakfast in bed and waking up to surprise presents I genuinely want/need. That is, until I remember that I’m a Queen and I can throw a better Mother’s Day celebration than my ex ever could! Coffee Club Pancakes, Kmart shopping sprees, endless amounts of wine – no limits!
Disclaimer: Limits may include nap times, meal times, general crankiness of children, lack of funds and nonexistent motivation. Maybe just buy yourself an extra bottle of wine on Wednesday and turn on 50 Shades. You’re a mum and Christian Grey likes to party, so it kind of counts?
5. You get more love as a single mum on Mother’s Day
You put in more effort, spend more time on, and nurture the relationship you have with your children more than anyone else. So, it’s only fair that you get the biggest slice of love. I’m not saying it’s a competition, but if it was you’d take the cake.
6. You’re stronger
You might not realise it but those nights lying in bed worrying about finances and your kid’s future have made you a stronger, more confident mama. You’ve wrestled with the bad times and come out the other side feeling less stressed and more normal. You’re a setting a positive example for your kids (who’s friends will eventually nickname you Supermum) and building better relationships with them.
If you’re a proud single mum then this Mother’s day you should celebrate the fact that those ‘World’s Greatest Mum’ cards ain’t got nothing on you!
7. You’re a goal getting
Being a single mum means you can set your mind on getting fit, saving for a house deposit, or getting that promotion without having to worry about what your partner wants. This Mother’s Day celebrate the goals you’ve already reached and the ones you’re aiming for.
8. You don’t have to share
Keeping things to yourself can keep your sanity in check. No more sharing the closet or questions about your ‘excessive’ shoe collection. You can starfish on your hot pink sheets with your unshaven legs every single night if you want. You’ve got the freedom to surround yourself with all things that make you happy (including that entire chocolate block). If that isn’t a reason to celebrate being a single mum this Mother’s Day then I don’t know what is!
9. You’re don’t have to rely on anyone
You’re Miss Independent, full of confidence and motivation. There’s something incredibly empowering about being able to change a tyre, mow the law or check the oil without the help of a man. You have peace of mind knowing that your children don’t have to rely on anyone but you, and it feels good!
10. You deserve it
Girl, if I could throw you a five star pool party at the Hilton, I would.
Your emotional stability might be nonexistent and the house might look like a bomb-zone, but you’re doing it. Take solace in the fact you are the biggest reason your kids are going turn out to be amazing, strong human beings. One day you’re going to look back on this and see it as the incredible journey it is. Embrace that.
The number one reason to celebrate being a Single Mum on Mother’s Day is because you deserve it!