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One of the biggest challenges of being a single mum is the financial impact. Even so, it can be the last thing on your mind as you navigate the murky waters of a break-up. For many, it’s not until later...
Investment property mortgages: What you need to know
If you are thinking about buying an investment property, you need to consider how you will finance it, i.e. an investment property mortgage. By all means look at the property market, see what properties are out there, but do not...
Single parent debt help: 7 Simple strategies that work
Being a single parent is no easy feat, especially when facing financial challenges. You are the sole breadwinner, the caregiver, and the emotional anchor for your children. It can be overwhelming, and when you add debt into the mix, it...
How not to panic when the cost of living rises
Unless you have been safely tucked under a rock, you can’t avoid the harsh reality that the cost of living is rising … and scarily fast. Whether it’s in the supermarket, at the fuel pump or opening the dreaded electricity...
Financial planning advice especially for single mothers
Financial planning, whether you are in a long-term relationship or single, can be a daunting exercise. However, I am here to reassure you that there is nothing to be frightened of. When you find yourself faced with a future of...
Single mum budgeting: Why, how and the tools to use
Budgeting. It’s a scary word for some which provokes visions of complex spreadsheets and blurs of daunting figures. If this is you … then STOP. RIGHT. THERE. Budgeting can be easy, enlightening and in some cases even (I’m gonna say...