Mother’s Day: It conjures up images of happy mummy’s receiving gifts galore, being pampered to within an inch of their lives and feeling justly rewarded for being a great mum.
And rightly so.
But it’s not always the case for single mums.
Mother’s Day for single mums can take on a slightly different angle. We cherish our roles as mothers and are proud to be single mums, but without a partner to preside over the proceedings, we can feel a little short-changed.
Breakfast in bed for single mums on Mother’s Day
What better way to begin Mother’s Day than with breakfast in bed?
However, for single mums this traditional treat is done without the help of an adult. Laying nervously in bed, as we listen to the clatter and crash of kitchen utensils, whilst praying the knifes are well out of reach, is not quite how it is on the movies. And of course, what we actually end up eating is in the lap of the gods.
Keep smiling though single mum. It’s the thought that counts, and it will only take an hour or two to clean the room that was once your kitchen.
Single Mums Mother’s Day Gift time
We love our beautiful home-made gifts that are retrieved with relish from school and kindy bags. I mean, one can simply never have too many macaroni necklaces. Yet, the ‘it’s-from-the-kids-but-it’s-really-from-dad’ present is notable in its absence.
Single mums with a little foresight and spare cash will grab themselves a Mother’s Day gift for the kids to wrap-up, hide and present on the big morning. Make sure they remember where they hid it though .. I speak from bitter experience.
Going out for a Mother’s Day treat
Where to this Mother’s Day ladies?
A day spa? A champagne bar?
Not so for single mum’s. It’s pretty much a normal day. And we all know the best way to keep it easy .. and that’s to do what the kids want. Local park it is then.
So, if you see a single mum looking suitably chilled in a park on Mother’s Day, it may be that she’s treated herself to sneaky mid-afternoon wine in her water bottle. After all, we’ve got to get our kicks where we can. And it is only once a year.
Mummy me time
Ah yes, the elusive me-time.
This is Mother’s Day we’re talking about, surely even single mums deserve some peace and quiet. We get top points for trying anyway.
Strategies include good-old bribery, tiring them out to the point where they fall asleep or plugging them into their favourite movie. Oh, and if all else fails, there’s always the option of locking yourself in the bathroom.
Happy Mother’s Day single mums!
Oh and don’t forget to treat yourself to the gift you deserve.