Do you have a sparkling wedding and/or engagement ring you no longer wear now that you are separated?
It is a shame to think of all those once-meaningful rings stashed away, never to see the light of day.
At the same time, it’s hard to know what to with your wedding ring if you’re divorced. It once symbolised something so special, yet now it could be associated with sadness, regret or anger.
Plus, you might like your wedding ring as a piece of jewellery, but not what it represents.
It’s a difficult decision that’s for sure.
Here are some suggestions to help you decide what to do with old wedding rings when you divorce.
Donate it to charity
Donating your wedding ring to charity after divorce is a way to get rid of bad memories from a failed marriage and do some good while you’re at it.
You can also get a tax write-off for your donation.
Plus, supporting your favourite organisation with something that used to mean a lot to you feels great.
Turn it into a travel fund
Going on a holiday is always a good idea.
But after costly divorce proceedings, you might not have enough for a much-needed post-divorce trip.
Here's when your wedding ring will come in handy.
Sell the ring and use the money to kick-start your savings or to boost your current holiday fund.
Whether your wedding ring finances your dream vacation or just a night away in a nice hotel, you will get intangible and happy memories out of your marriage souvenir, alongside a sense of moving on.
Sell it
Selling a wedding ring makes financial sense for many newly single women and single mums. It can be scary to suddenly be the only breadwinner and adjust to living on one income.
Exchanging your ring for a wad of cash is a great way to create that emergency fund you've always wanted or the new couch you've been longing for.
Try selling it online to get an idea of the value. Brand names usually go for big bucks on shops like eBay and Etsy.
Use the stones to create a healing crystal grid
If you're into manifesting, you might like to create a crystal grid to help you through the healing process.
This idea only works if your ring (engagement or wedding) boasts a crystal or two which you can have removed and use on the grid.
A crystal grid is a spiritual practice involving arranging crystals in a specific geometric pattern to focus and amplify energy for a particular intention, such as healing or manifestation.
You can buy a small crystal grid platform, or arrange the crystals on a surface in your home, ideally away from prying little hands. Plus, you'll need a few more crystals to create the grid. Make sure you get ones that represent self-love, resilience and transformation.
Don't forget to check the calendar for the next full moon. You need Luna's cleansing powers to purify this memento from bad energies.
Further reading: 15 Powerful self-love crystals to enhance your life.
Hold a letting go ceremony
How about holding a letting go ceremony to bid your final farewell to your wedding ring?
You could keep it simple and head to a quiet place, wear something nice, and read a letter to the wind as you bid farewell to your marriage.
Alternatively, you can invite everyone for a complete performance to commemorate this closure. One of my best friends turned hers into an elaborate Lord of the Rings recreation complete with costumes and props. She even assigned me to recite, 'Cast it into the fire! Destroy it!'
Unlike Isildur though, she destroyed her precious ring as a symbolism of new beginnings. Needless to say, her marriage ended on a bad note.
Save it for your kids
Instead of selling your wedding ring or throwing it away, saving it for your kids is a great idea. When they’re older, they can decide how they feel about it and what they want to do with it.
Like a wedding dress, this is an excellent way to recycle an emotionally charged item and pass on the good memories to someone you love.
Chuck it
It seems impulsive, but many women have chucked their wedding rings and said it’s the best thing they’ve ever done. Some people throw it in the trash or some field, others in the ocean or lake. It can be an excellent way to release your feelings.
Throwing it away can be the right decision, but it doesn’t mean it’s easy. It can take years and years before you’re ready to do this, and that’s okay. And when you're finally able to, it's going to demonstrate your hard-earned resilience.
Put it in a time capsule
If you're not keen on selling or chucking your wedding ring, you could hide it away in a time capsule.
A time capsule is a sealed container filled with items that are representative of a particular period in time. They are usually buried or hidden with the intention of being unearthed or opened by future generations, providing a glimpse into the past.
In this case, you could put your ring and other wedding paraphernalia in the capsule. Although you'll never know if it will be discovered and by who, it's nice to think that your past marriage has been encapsulated in time, even it's something you'd rather forget.
Have it remodelled into something else
Repurposing a wedding ring after divorce is very popular. After all, it’s a nice piece of jewellery regardless of possible bad memories attached to it.
Many women have turned their wedding or engagement rings into pendants and necklaces. You can have also it remade as earrings, anklet, bracelet, hair ornament or whatever you fancy.
One woman turned her wedding band into a pig and another transformed it into a Monopoly piece!
Wear it on another finger
Women who are still on good terms with their exes may keep their wedding ring after divorce but wear it on a different finger or the right hand.
I love my wedding ring, which is actually an eternity ring, and I still wear it (on my right hand) ten years post-divorce.
It’s also a safe option if you’re still processing your emotions and need time before deciding what to do with the ring.
Give it back to your ex
Some women want to get rid of everything that reminds them of their marriage, including the wedding ring, so they return it to their exes.
If it’s an heirloom piece that’s been in your ex’s family for generations, he’d probably want it back anyway! You can trade the ring for something of the same value, or let your lawyer handle it if the divorce is bitter or high conflict.
Store it safely while you decide
A wedding ring is an emotional piece of jewellery that holds both good and bad memories of the marriage.
It’s okay to keep wearing it. It’s also okay not and to sell it or throw it away. But before you make a final decision, you must be truly ready.
So take your time and heal. You can store it in a drawer, jewellery box, or a safety deposit box. One day, you’ll wake up with a sense of empowerment and know exactly what to do with it. And, in the meantime you will know it is safe.
Summary: What should I do with my wedding ring now I'm divorced?
Your wedding ring might be one of the last things on your mind during your separation. But you will remember it when the divorce is official - or someday when you open a forgotten box and find this souvenir of your marriage.
You were meticulous when you chose your wedding ring. Regardless of its price, it holds special memories. But with your divorce, you simply can't wear it as usual. You will ask, 'What can I do with my old wedding ring?'
Of course, you can chuck your wedding ring. But you can also put it to good use. You can donate it to your favourite charity to benefit others. (As they say, one man's trash is another man's treasure.) Or sell it to add money to your household funds or travel savings ... think pina colada on a beach somewhere exotic!
You can also repurpose your wedding ring. If you're into manifestation, you can transform it into a crystal grid using the stones of your engagement or wedding ring. Or, up-cycle it into something else, such as a necklace or a different type ring.
Another option if you adore the ring is to keep it and wear it on a different finger.
One of my favourite suggestions is to stick it in a time capsule and leave it in the laps of the gods to be discovered by people of the future.
Or you could give it back to your ex. (If it's an heirloom piece, why not sell it back to his family? I mean, your former in-laws would think you're an opportunistic B by ditching the divorce ring etiquette ... but the operative word here is 'former.')
What to do with your wedding ring after divorce is a tough decision. But no one's stopping you from doing what you want with it. It is your wedding ring after all.
So, you’ve got your wedding ring sorted, now what to do with the dress? Here are some ideas to make you giggle: 12 Hilarious things to do with your wedding dress when you divorce.