Schools across the country are partially closed due to COVID-19 and parents everywhere are being thrust into their worst nightmare … homeschooling!
I was lucky enough to chat with education and curriculum expert, Karen Green from MAPPEN, about how to make homeschooling work and come out the other side still talking to your kids.
Karen shares her expertise from over 40 years in the education sector to guide us through the do’s, don’ts and its-gonna-be-ok’s of home learning.
Plus, as a response to the Covid-19 crisis, the brilliant MAPPEN team have adapted some of their content for home-based learning and are offering it for FREE to parents wishing to supplement the work that is being sent home by teachers. Get the details at the end of our chat.
Homeschooling: How to get started when you have no idea
In this podcast we discuss:
- How to prepare for home learning and what to expect
- How best to guide our children through this new adventure
- Routines: To have or not to have
- Do we actually have to ‘teach’ our kids?
- How to ditch the guilt around homeschooling
- Karen’s top tips to make homeschooling work
- The biggest misconceptions and no-no’s of home learning
- MAPPEN’s free content to help parents with home learning during COVID-19
- How bloody wonderful our teachers are and how grateful we are to them
Listen here …