Best websites for single parents: Support in Australia 2024

Woman using a smartphone while sitting in front of a laptop

It takes a village to raise a child. But sometimes it could feel like you're all alone, especially if you're freshly divorced. You start questioning your life choices.

Believe us, separation was the right decision. But still, you will find yourself asking whether that famed "village" is real or just a figment of the Africans' optimism.

Who can you trust to babysit your little one when your boss needs you to go overtime? How do you get adequate child support? Who will listen to you vent when all this single parenting gets overwhelming? Who will talk you out of reconciling with your kid's father when everything becomes too much to do on your own?

If you're struggling to find a support group around you, maybe it's time you look at your hand. Wait, this is not a "sometimes the only hand you need to hold is your own" advice. What I mean is that thing on your hand: your smartphone. Maybe it's time to take a look into online support for Australian single mums.

Benefits of utilizing websites for single parents

While I still value having fellow like-minded individuals I can meet and talk to face-to-face, I have learned not to snub online communities. These are just some of the benefits for using websites to find support in your single parenting journey:

You get access to relevant resources and information.

Need addresses on family law counsellors to help with child custody? Advice and guidance on successful co-parenting? Help with Centrelink single parenting payment? Today, almost everything is a few taps away on Google.

You connect with other single parents for support and advice.

There's literally hundreds of thousands of online forums, chat groups, and Facebook groups to build your virtual single parent community. You'll find single parents from all walks of life to keep you from feeling alone or isolated as you navigate this journey.

To be honest, I often find many online communities to be a better safe space. Even if members are anonymous, such as in a particular Subreddit I frequent, you can find a group of supportive and non-judgmental people online.

It's convenient to find childcare services and activities for children.

At 35, I appreciate parenting tips and hacks that make my life easier. I mean, it's nice when I don't have to wrack my brains thinking of where's the best (and most affordable) daycare or unique and fun summer activities for my child. There are already lots of helpful mum blogs and vlogs to make my life easier in just a few taps on my phone.

A mum with a pram using a smartphone websites for single parents

Top websites for single parents

Here are our team's top three choices for the best parent support group for Aussie single mums:

Single Mother Survival Guide

First up, we have SMSG, an all-in-one resource featured in a handful of podcasts and shows. It's a blog, a podcast, and a coaching service in one platform.

Aside from tackling important issues on the blog, it also curates different services to assist us when we need help with buying food, finding support for victims of domestic violence, and others. You'll find every helpline for single or solo parents here.

You're free to join its support forum on Facebook or download the essentials guide.

Single Mother Families Australia, Inc.

Single Mother Families Australia helps mothers in the country get through single parenthood by curating links to a variety of income support, child support and child care, future planning, and safety and housing. You can find recent articles, press releases, and reports for sole parents too.

You can also follow them on Facebook for updates and to find mums in the same situation. Who knows, you can meet other mothers you can build a single mum Facebook group with.

Council of Single Mothers and Their Children

Finally, there's CSMC, which has been supporting single mums for 50 years already. You can find links to legitimate income support systems, like Services Australia. They also have featured articles and news on everything that you need to know, such as annual budgets and research.


Now, if you're more interested in online dating, eHarmony is a great platform. It's literally one of the best dating app out there and a couple of my friends will vouch for it!

My childhood best friend and self-confessed hopeless romantic Cindy had tried many other dating apps to find a new person to love after her first marriage fell apart, but to no avail. You'd think she'd give up on the dating apps after her frustrating results, but she did not. And rightfully so, because that's how she met Sam. They're now happily married and loving their family of seven!

My neighbour Stacey swears by eHarmony too. She met her soon-to-be wife on the app as well. She says it was more challenging to find someone who understood her experience and priorities as a separated mother on other websites. For instance, not everyone gets her dark humour about family courts - except a fellow single mum like Lynn.

Single Parent Advocate

Finally, Single Parent Advocate is a US-based nonprofit organisation that strives to be a one-stop shop for single mums and dads. It mentors mums and dads on how to get child support. Clients can also join activities like Mother's Day and Father's Day celebrations to make them feel less lonely.

The website has a lot of 5 stars. One client says, "[the] SPA has been there for me and my 3 kiddos for several years. They have provided physical items such as clothes, bikes, Thanksgiving meals, and Christmas presents. More importantly, SPA has provides emotional and spiritual support."

It is in the US, but us Aussies will still find useful resources on the website. It curates links to everything you might need: employment, education, finances, food, health, shelter, and government.

Aside from reputable links, they have a podcast that provides support and information to empower single parents. If the topic you're interested in can't be found in the ones listed, you can even place a request for a future discussion.

And if you really enjoy listening to podcasts, and you want something closer to home you can always tap into the Beanstalk Mums very own podcast. Full of information and interviews with experts who make your journey a lot easier.

If you're already in the place where you can give back, you can also donate or volunteer, so SPA can help more solo mums and dads.

Woman using a laptop

Tips for using websites for single parents effectively

Setting up a profile and engaging with the community

Most of the websites I've listed above don't require you to sign up to access their resources. But in the case of online groups (i.e. Single Mother Families Australia Facebook group), you would need to have a profile to start engaging.

You can use your personal profile if you have one, or create an account solely for this purpose. If you're interested in forums like Reddit communities, you can stay totally anonymous. Regardless, you should always engage with fellow users and positively contribute to your virtual community.

Utilising filters and search features to find relevant information

Sometimes, websites can have hundreds or thousands of pages, making it challenging to find what you need. Turning on filters and trying out the search box will make navigating the website much easier.

Being cautious of online scams and protecting personal information

Finally, although there are good people online, there are also bad ones. Keep updated on scams (such as love scams) so you don't fall for them. (Remember: if it sounds too good to be true, it is probably untrue.) Don't give away your personal information to strangers, especially those that can compromise the safety of your family.

Summary of websites for single parents

Wrapping up, being a single parent is tough, but the internet can be your best friend. There are fantastic websites out there that offer everything from advice and support to dating opportunities just for single parents. They are absolute gems, packed with local resources and ways to connect with other single mums.

Diving into these digital communities can make you feel a lot less alone. You can find everything you need, from tips on handling custody battles to the best summer activities for your little ones. Plus, it's all just a few taps away on your phone.

But remember, while most people online are great, there are always a few bad apples. Stay smart about your personal info and be on the lookout for scams. Use those search features and filters to find exactly what you need without the hassle.

In a nutshell, these websites can turn your smartphone into a superhero sidekick, making single parenting a bit easier and a lot more connected. So, go ahead and tap into these resources - your future self will thank you!

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Beanstalk Single Mum Team

About the author

Beanstalk is run by a team of single mums who share their expertise about single motherhood to help other women on a similar journey to them. This article was written from experience and with love to help single mothers in Australia and across the world.

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