Congratulations! You’ve taken the leap and finally downloaded that dating app that your friend recommended months ago. You go to sign up, filled with anticipation, and then you’re asked to fill in your profile. It’s not an easy task, especially for introverts who tend to be private by nature.
But it can be done. As the founder of So Syncd, a dating app based on personality types with a user base of over 70% introverts, I’ve seen my fair share of introvert dating profiles. Plus, as an INFP personality type, I’m an introvert myself.
Here are some tips to help you create your perfect profile as an introvert.
How to create a dating profile if you’re an introvert
There’s no sugar coating it; if you want to go on great dates and (hopefully!) meet your soulmate, you’re going to have to put yourself out there. Sharing details about yourself with people you’ve never met can feel unnatural as an introvert but the more of your personality you can show in your profile, the better. It can also help with conversation starters.
You absolutely want to get your personality across but there’s a balance between sharing enough about yourself to give someone a flavour of what you’re like and sharing too much. Profiles with more information do see higher activity on our app up until a point. No one needs to know that you had an argument with your sister-in-law three years ago or that you eat the same salad for lunch every day. Think of your profile as a book blurb; you need to add just enough information to intrigue potential dates and make them want to know more.
Further reading: What nobody tells you about dating with kids.
It’s better to give examples that show your personality traits rather than claim to be a certain way. For example, instead of saying you’re an introvert that loves to read, add a couple of sentences about your favourite book and explain why you love it so much. Or instead of saying you have a great sense of humour, explain that you were voted class clown in your high school yearbook.
Profiles with multiple photos get more attention. You should aim to add at least three photos of you by yourself and then you can add a couple more with friends if you like. Your photos should be flattering yet realistic. It’s completely fair to show your best side in your photos (in fact, you should) but you don’t want people to feel duped when you meet in person because you don’t look anything like your profile photos.
If you’re stuck, ask a couple of trusted friends for advice. Even better, make a girls’ night out of it and talk dating app profiles over pizza and wine. It can help to have a fresh pair of eyes look over your profile. They’ll see you in a different way to how you see yourself and they might even come up with some original ideas of their own.
Keep your profile full of positive vibes. Stamping “no commitment phobic men” on your profile is not a good look. It might be what you’re thinking but negativity isn’t attractive. Plus, when something is written down it can come across in a more serious tone to how you originally meant it. It’s totally fine to state what you want in a partner but it should be framed in a positive way. For example, you could say that you are looking for a partner who is good with kids because you’ve got two wonderful daughters.

Dating as an introvert can be challenging. Introverts need a partner who understands the intricacies of their personality, including their need for alone time and the fact that they won’t be out having dinner with friends every night of the week.
Creating an awesome dating profile that attracts the right kind of partner is the first step towards this and taking the time to do it well is an investment in the long run. You can get a head start by following these tips.
Happy online dating!