As a parent who’s successfully managed to foster a love for reading in my teenagers, I understand the struggle of enticing your teen to read a book. The allure of screens and digital entertainment can make the world of literature...
Help, how do I stop my teen getting a tattoo?
Ah, the teenage years – a time of transformation, exploration, and boundary pushing. It’s no secret that many teenagers yearn for a sense of identity and individuality, often expressing themselves through bold fashion choices, piercings, and yes, tattoos. As a...
My tips to get teenagers out of bed in the morning
<!– wp:group {“className”:” What is it with parenting? When our kids are young we’re forever trying to get them to sleep. Then, they becomes teens, and it’s impossible to get them out of bed! I am not alone as an...
Is my teen taking drugs? 10 Warning signs you need to know …
One of the worst mistakes you can make when parenting a teen is to hide your head in the sand when it comes to drugs. According to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare: “24% of young people aged 14–24...
The importance of role modelling body confidence to our children
Imagine this … Your child walks in on you trying on a new outfit in the mirror. You are trying to smooth down your stomach, checking the back to see your butt. Then your brain starts letting your thoughts out,...
Guiding teenage boys to grow into healthy, happy men
Are you a mother to a beautiful boy? For all the heavenly moments when they are little, guiding son’s through their pre-teens and teenage years is notoriously difficult – even scary. Don’t panic though as in this podcast I talk...