Parallel parenting or co-parenting: Finding your best fit

Parallel parenting

Most days I come across couples in the process of separation. One of the things I’ve noticed is, regardless of our circumstances in parenting most of us want the same thing – the best for our children.

However, when each of us comes to the table with a variety of differing experiences and values, sometimes agreeing on what’s best is the crux of our issue. Some parents enjoy an organic and flexible style while others are structured and organised. Some parents choose to explain actions and consequences and others allow their children to experience the consequences naturally.

When parents come from opposite ends of the parenting spectrum it can be very hard to co-parent.


Co-parenting is ideal in separated families and will take energy to work out with the other parent. Co-parenting is a commitment from both parents although they are no longer partners. It requires:

  • Commitment to making co-parenting an ongoing and open conversation with the other parent
  • Consistent rules agreed upon at both households
  • Commitment to talking positively around the house about the other household
  • Agreements on boundaries and behavioural guidelines for raising your children so that there’s consistency in their lives

The journey through separation is not easy and not all couples can achieve the cooperative relationship required to co-parent.

When there are high levels of conflict or an inability to communicate respectfully, some parents need to disengage from each other and limit direct contact. This can be an important step for their own well-being and for the well-being of their children. In this situation, the idea of parallel parenting can be helpful.

OurFamilyWizard has co-parenting tools for scheduling, messaging, document sharing, and more.


Parallel Parenting requires that parents disengage from each other and focus on their individual relationship with their children, making the choice to embrace their own parenting style and enjoy the time they have with their children.

Five initial steps to parallel parenting:

  • Focus on being the parent you want to be
  • Model your own values to your children
  • Disengage emotionally from the other parent
  • Focus on what is in your control
  • Redirecting your attention from the other parent’s behaviour, choices, and parenting style to create energy for your own well-being and relationships.


Sometimes this can be exceptionally hard. Here are some examples:

  • When you are introducing the taste and texture of foods to increase the variety your children enjoy, your ex takes them to Maccas every visit.
  • When you still have your children using training wheels on their bikes and they have built a makeshift skate park in their backyard.
  • When you have adopted an emotional intelligence and relationally connected parenting approach and your ex has a bootcamp style of household organisation.


One visual image of this transition to parallel parenting is the Circle of Control illustration. In this exercise, we turn our focus to what is important and what we have control over in our lives and our parenting. Focusing on our circle gives us the confidence and creative energy we need to become the parents we want to be.

Circle of Control | Parallel Parenting | Beanstalk Mums

For many families over time, strategies for emotionally disconnecting from the other parent and developing a business-like relationship can be achieved where more communication and effective planning are a focus. However, not all separated families will be able to achieve this transition as every situation is unique.

In the meantime, parallel parenting allows the children to develop meaningful relationships with both parents. Children need to know they are free to have a relationship with both parents regardless of differences or hostility between parents.


Some of the parents we work with are concerned about the different messages their child will receive. Different rules, expectations and boundaries between houses, how will they cope?

It’s really important to remember that children are resilient in adapting to different situations and rules. Take for example school vs home. The rules and happenings at school are very different from in your home, children adjust from one environment to the other. Even at school, the behaviour and rules required in the library are different to those expected on the playground or in the typical classroom.

Children quickly learn the rules of each situation and act accordingly. Children will also adapt to different relationship styles and parenting styles in two homes.

Parallel parenting can be an important step in securing your satisfaction with the relationship between you and your child. So how do you achieve this?


  • Get a parenting plan in place to help create the structure for this model of parenting
  • Find a communication method that works for you, an app, a communication book or other communication method that is acceptable to both parents. (Ensure that children are never responsible for messages between their parents)
  • Find time to look after yourself; self-care promotes healthy parenting
  • Focus on what’s important – your relationship with your children

It’s important to remember that you don’t have to do this alone. There are counsellors trained to help you build this skill. This is a really tricky time in your life. If you are struggling to co-parent, and you are finding it difficult to come to an agreement, ask for assistance. A lot of times there is no single right answer, only the answer that is right for you.

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Mellita Bate

About the author

Mellita Bate is the Business Development Manger for Interrelate Greater Sydney. She has worked with couples improving their relationships for over 25 years. More recently she has focused on supporting people through their separation journey working with Interrelate in their Relationship Services Team.

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