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Why Your Favourite Bra Wears Out Too Fast (And How to Make It Last)


Have you ever noticed how your favourite bra, the one that’s good for any occasion, fails just when you need it the most?

It doesn’t matter what’s happened. The strap breaks, the cups are worn out, the bands are overstretched, or it simply no longer feels right. You are going to feel frustrated and that’s okay.

It’s not the bra’s fault. You just need to know why this happens. It makes it easier to prevent your favourite bra from wearing out too fast.

That’s what we’re here to help with.

Top Reasons You’re Bra Is Wearing Out Too Fast

If you’re like us, you’re probably guilty of making most of these mistakes. But, hey! You’re busy and, despite being an important part of any outfit, it’s not usually the one you spend the most time thinking about.

You’ve Just Worn It Too Much

Everything wears out eventually. The more you use it the faster this will happen. Look at it this way, every time you ask a bra to support you you’re placing its elasticity under load.

If you wear the same bra every day, that elastic never gets time to fully shrink. In other words, like you, it’s constantly stressed.

We recommend you rotate your bras. Try to get four or even five favourites and switch them to ensure you’re not wearing the same one every day.

It can really help to buy a lace bra. Treat it as an investment and switch and use it regularly to balance out your usage of your favourite bra. Of course, lace bras are luxurious, feminine, and delicate. They can also be worn every day.

It may surprise you to find that the lace bra has become your favourite - it surprised me.

Washing On The Wrong Cycle

We get it, your bra goes in the machine with everything else. It’s easy and fast. I’ve done it myself.

But, washing a bra on too hot a cycle can damage the material and the elastic. You’re going to need to check the label, some bras shouldn’t even be machine-washed.

It’s not just the heat, the detergent you use can be damaging to your bra.

I recommend you hand wash your bras in warm water. That’s one of the reasons you need at least five favourite bras.

Storing Solution Is Wrong

Yes, it’s possible to store a bra incorrectly and shorten its life. For starters, have you ever folded a bra in a rush and then discovered there’s a crease across the cup? I have.

It ruins the shape of the cup. You can also damage them if they are tangled or rubbed against other clothes in your drawer. It damages the fibres and stretches the elastic.

Give your bras the VIP treatment, it’s what you expect them to give you.

Lay them flat in your chosen spot or even hang them. Just make sure you use the centre gore.

It’s Not the Right Size

Just because it feels super comfortable doesn’t mean it’s the right size! I know it's hard to get rid of the bra you love, even when it doesn’t fit quite right.

The problem is, if it’s not the right size it won’t be supporting your breasts properly. That’s strike one. Strike two is that the wrong part of the bra will be stretching and holding the weight of your boobs.

If it’s not designed to work that way it will quickly wear out and fail.

Quality Matters

If you want a bra that lasts, spend a little more to get a high-quality option. It may seem extravagant but you’ll appreciate the superior fit and feel. I certainly do.

The fact it lasts longer can be seen as a bonus.


Making Your Favourite Bra Last Longer

Okay, you’re figuring out what you’re doing wrong. Hopefully, you’re investing in a couple of new bras that will rotate regularly.

Here’s what else you can do to help your favourite bras last longer.

Be Gentle When Washing Them

You need to use detergent to make sure your bra is clean. That’s the point of washing them. Whether you’re doing it by hand or using a machine, choose a gentle detergent.

I recommend you skip the chlorinated bleach and anything with a synthetic fragrance. It’s more chemicals which may damage the material.

Top Tip: If you have to put your bra in the machine, first put it in a laundry bag. Use a cool or cold cycle and don’t use any fabric softeners. They have been shown to damage elasticity by breaking down the fibres.

Let It Dry

Heat is one of your bra’s biggest enemies. Skip the dryer, and leave your bra lying flat somewhere where it can dry naturally.

If you must hang it, make sure the centre is supported. You run the risk of it losing its shape.

Build Your Collection

Make sure you’ve got at least five really nice bras. That’s enough to regularly rotate and allow the used bra to relax. It will help it retain its shape and keep you comfortable in your day-to-day life.

I recommend you find one that you love and buy several versions of it. You can pad out (pun intended) your collection with some more intimate bras for those special moments. OR, they can simply make you feel good.

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Lauren Mitchell

About the author

Lauren Mitchell specialises in creating engaging, insightful blog content on everything from travel to parenting issues. With a knack for turning complex ideas into clear, compelling reads, she helps connect with her audiences through thoughtful storytelling. When she’s not writing, Lauren loves testing out new coffee blends, getting lost in a bookstore, or perfecting the art of procrastination.

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