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Sisterhood Stories: Why I Love the Beanstalk Community

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Two years ago, I stumbled upon Beanstalk Single Mum Vine on Facebook, and joined Beanstalk Mums soon after. At that time, I was exhausted, overwhelmed, and searching for a place where I could just be ... without judgment, without expectations. Although I'm more active on the blog than on Facebook, what I found was more than just an online group. It was a lifeline. Their sisterhood stories built a community of mums from all walks of life who understood, uplifted, and empowered each other.

In this safe space, we share everything: the highs, the lows, the hilarious, and the heartbreaking. I’ve made real friends here, sisters who have walked beside me through the chaos of single motherhood. But I’m not the only one. Beanstalk Mums has provided many other single mums strength, friendship, and even joy.

As we celebrate Women's History Month this month and International Women's Day on March 8th, let me share the sisterhood stories that make me love this community.

My Beanstalk Mums Story of Sisterhood

When I first joined Beanstalk Mums, I never expected to become one of its blog writers. But here I am, sharing my thoughts, lessons, and experiences with thousands of other single mums. Writing for the website has taught me so much. Not just about storytelling, but also about parenting, self-growth, and resilience. There are so many things I didn’t know yet as a mum, and through researching and writing, I’ve learned alongside this community.

Beyond the blog, I find the Facebook group to be an invaluable resource (even if I only visit that social media once a month). It’s a space where advice flows freely, where struggles are met with encouragement, and where humour is never in short supply. Some of the funniest parenting moments I’ve ever read have come from fellow single mums in this group. Even though I haven’t personally seen even 1% of the 25,000-strong members, I still feel like these women are my sisters.

sisterhood stories

Sisterhood Stories in the Beanstalk Community: Liz

Liz (not her real name) became a single mum later in life. At 57, with her youngest finally out of the house, she expected a sense of relief. Instead, she felt lost. Her marriage had ended years before, and now, she wasn’t sure where she fit anymore. She first found helpful content on the Beanstalk Mums website before she became active on the Facebook group.

“This group reminded me that life isn’t over just because one chapter closes,” Liz shared. “I’ve met women and girls here who encourage me to try new things, travel, focus on self-development, and even get back into dating. Through this online community, I feel like I don't miss my old life. I’ve found my people.”

Liz was able to grow her virtual friendships outside the Internet. She has an intact inner circle with whom she bonds and communicates with constantly. Still, she makes it a point to participate in threads in the group and happily share life lessons and encouragement, proving that single motherhood is a lifelong journey ... one we don’t have to walk alone.

Stories of Sisterhood: Coral

Coral (not her real name), 44, said goodbye to an emotionally abusive relationship with nothing but a suitcase and her kids. She had no family support, no job, and no idea where to start. She found Beanstalk Mums on Instagram in the middle of a panic attack, desperately searching online for support.

“I was met with warmth, kindness, and actual resources,” she recalled. “Women in the group helped me find housing, legal advice, and even a second-hand pram when mine broke. My virtual sisters have saved me a lot of times. But more than that, they give me hope.”

Today, Coral is thriving. She’s working, her kids are happy, and she pays it forward by supporting new virtual sisters who feel as lost as she once did.

sisterhood stories

Stories of Sisterhood: Priya

Priya (not her real name), 29, moved to Australia in 2023 with her toddler after the dad went to the store for milk one evening and never came back. Isolated from family, she struggled with loneliness and culture shock. She found Beanstalk Single Mums community on IG first, and she was hooked from the first word.

“This group became my village,” she said. “I found female friends who understood my struggles, who showed up for me when I needed support, even if it was just through a message at 2 AM. I even have older friends who took on the role of a parent or grandmother. I never feel alone anymore. Plus, I now know learned lots of yummy recipes my daughter loves.”

Priya now actively participates in Beanstalk Single Mums meetups in her area. She believes that this community can change the world for another woman as it did hers.

Final Thoughts: Sisterhood Stories in Beanstalk Mums

Beanstalk Single Mums is more than an online community. It’s a reminder that single motherhood doesn’t have to be lonely. Whether it’s offering advice, sharing a laugh, or simply holding space for each other, we show up. You have people who lift you up. And that’s the magic of this sisterhood.

I hope these sisterhood stories inspired you to join us. If you’re a single mum looking for connection, encouragement, or just a place to belong, yes, you can sit with us.

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About the author

Patricia is a mother who loves writing about books, travel, and homemaking the most, while also sharing the things she's learning as she navigates raising a daughter.

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