Online dating!
The words alone are enough to make some women run for the hills.
Yet there are so many great things about online dating … I promise. In fact, I hear from many single mums who have found love, even future hubby’s, online.
Like everything in life, you have be absolutely ready and this means preparing and putting time and effort into your strategy. You also need to be in a good enough place to handle (and laugh-off) a few knocks along the way.
So how do we do this?
In this podcast, I chat to Sharon Draper, who is a psychologist and the relationship expert at eharmony. Talk about the perfect person!
Sharon has some really useful tips on how to online date for success, as well as changing your perspective on what “success” is when you start this journey.
4 Surprising tips to make online dating work for you
Listen to us discuss:
- Why online dating is a good way for single mums to meet potential partners (including some interesting stats)
- The importance of “self” when you online date – this will make sense when you listen
- Resources to get started including this handy questionnaire about attachment styles
- Timelines around online dating and what not to expect
- The new “video date” phenomenon and how it seriously helps the online dating process
- The “adventure” aspect of dating online and how to make it a positive experience
- Our exclusive special with eharmony where you can get 20% off any subscription with checkout code: BM20.