Health insurance can easily (and understandably) be forgotten about during a separation. But it’s really important that you understand the implications of your health insurance policy and the options available to you as a single parent.
In this podcast I chat with Bessie Hassan, who is an Insurance and Money Expert at finder.com.au, to get all the answers you need to make an informed decision and, most importantly, to save money.
Just some of the things we discuss are:
- The basics: Why we need health insurance and when to get it
- How Lifetime Cover Loading works and what it means to us
- The implications of sticking to a family policy with your ex after separation
- Different types of polices and what is available for single parents
- How to get different levels of cover for different family members
- Bessie’s personal top tips to save money on your health insurance
- A really helpful tip about how these comparison websites work and how to use them
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