Getting these wonderful ladies on my podcast has been a long time coming. And they did me proud as we discussed ways to minimise the effect of divorce or separation on children.
Danielle Zetzer and Jacque Philip are Family and Collaborative lawyers, and the founders of Family Law Life. Both ladies have had their own personal journeys with their parents bitter divorces, so their main focus is to do divorce differently.
We all know that children are the innocent party in every divorce and it’s paramount that we understand their needs throughout. Dani and Jacque have heaps of tips, including the wisest words I’ve heard for a long time, which are: ‘Kids are not affected by divorce, they are affected by conflict’. So very true.
In this brilliant podcast we discuss:
- How experience has led Dani and Jacque to where they are today helping others
- The most common mistakes during separation that can negatively impact children
- How these mistakes can be avoided
- How much do children need to ‘know’ during a divorce
- What children can actually learn from a divorce
- What resources are available to kids to help them deal with divorce