The words ‘divorce’ and ‘amicable’ are rarely used in the same sentence. However, there are so many benefits to working with your ex during this testing time, rather than against him.
No-one can explain this better than Anne-Marie Cade who is a single mum to three and an award-winning Lawyer, Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner, Nationally Accredited Mediator and founder of Divorce Right.
Anne-Marie is passionate about family and relationships and works with couples to empower them to reach a peaceful, amicable separation and stay out of the Family court.
In this podcast we discuss her simple yet effective 4-step pathway, including:
- The benefit of being amicable during the divorce process, now and in the future
- The 4 steps that Anne-Marie suggests and what’s involved in each
- The importance of a mediator and what results you can expect
- Why court is not the best option to resolve your separation issues
- How to get the process started right now for an amicable divorce
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