With much drama and excitement, your child’s tooth has fallen out. You’re are emotional and they are bright-eyed with expectation as they await a letter from The Tooth Fairy.
This is your first ever Tooth Fairy letter and you want to be sure to get it right.
But, where to start? What to write? Should you include money? If so, how much? Most importantly, how can you ensure your tooth fairy letter looks authentic and you don’t do the worst thing a parent can do: Give the game away!
Having been through two sets of baby teeth with my girls (that’s 40 teeth btw!) here are my thoughts on how to prepare the perfect letter from The Tooth Fairy.
Further reading: 8 Terrifying facts to scare your kid’s into brushing their teeth.
Wording suggestions for a letter from tooth fairy
As children grow and begin to lose their baby teeth, one of the most magical experiences for them is the visit from the Tooth Fairy. For many parents, this presents an opportunity to create a special moment for their children and to help them make sense of this transition.
One way to do this is to leave a letter from the Tooth Fairy, congratulating the child on their bravery and offering words of encouragement.
But what should the Tooth Fairy say in her letter?
Finding the right wording can be challenging, which is why we’ve put together some suggestions to get you started.
Tooth Fairy first tooth letter
I was watching when you lost your very first tooth! Congratulations! You were very brave and I am so happy to be a part of this special and exciting experience.
Losing your first tooth means you are growing up. These past years, I have been happily watching you taking such great care of your teeth. And I am so proud of your courage when you let go of that first tooth.
Were you scared when you lost your first tooth? Don’t worry. I am here to make sure you have magical memories of this experience.
Thank you for leaving your tooth under your pillow for me. I love getting the teeth from good children and leaving a gift in return. I hope that you will like the present I have left for you. It’s in the bottom drawer of your chest.
Continue taking good care of your teeth. I’m excited to see you again next time.
Keep smiling!
Sweet dreams and lots of love,
The Tooth Fairy
Letter from Tooth Fairy for any tooth
I heard the news that you lost a tooth! Congratulations! I am so proud of you. Losing teeth can be scary sometimes, but you were so brave and handled it like a champ. You are growing up so fast!
Did you know that every time you lose a tooth, it means you are growing bigger and stronger? And it also means that you are getting closer and closer to becoming a grown-up. But don’t worry, you still have plenty of time to enjoy being a kid and having fun.
As a reward for being so brave, I have left a little gift for you under your pillow. I hope you like it! Keep up the good work taking care of your teeth, and I will be back to visit you soon.
Sweet dreams and lots of love,
The Tooth Fairy
Tooth Fairy letter for lost tooth
I heard the news that you lost a tooth! Although it might be lost somewhere, don’t worry, I can still feel the magic in the air. Sometimes teeth can be tricky and slip away, but it’s all a part of growing up and becoming bigger each day.
Even though I couldn’t find your tooth under your pillow, I still wanted to visit you and leave you a little something special. You were so brave to lose a tooth, and I want to congratulate you on being such a big and strong kid.
Remember to keep taking good care of your teeth by brushing and flossing every day. That way, when your next tooth falls out, we will be ready for another visit.
Sweet dreams and lots of love,
The Tooth Fairy
Tooth Fairy letter for last baby tooth
Congratulations! I just heard the most exciting news, that your last baby tooth fell out! I am so happy for you and proud of how much you have grown. This is such a special moment, and I wanted to make sure I was the first to congratulate you.
Do you know what losing your last baby tooth means? It means you are all grown up now! You are a big kid, and I am so excited to see all the amazing things you will do in the future. I know you will continue to be kind, brave, and wonderful just like you are now.
As a special treat, I have left you a little something under your pillow. I hope it brings a smile to your face and reminds you of this magical moment.
Thank you for being such a special child, and for making my job as Tooth Fairy so much fun. Keep smiling and taking care of your big kid teeth, and remember that I will always be watching over you.
Lots of love,
The Tooth Fairy
Tooth Fairy letter templates
Now, if you’re not confident in your writing (or if you simply don’t have the time), there are ready-made templates available online that you can download. I found three that are totally different from mine, but which I really wish I found when my daughters were little!
Pre written girly letter
The first template I found is super cute and short. It’s perfect for younger kids, especially our girly ones. The wordings are simple yet The Tooth Fairy’s message remains.
You may download this template at: Pinterest
Letter from tooth fairy template
This second template is great for when your kid loses their succeeding teeth. What’s great about this template is that it can be used for boys and girls. Your child can also keep track of the teeth they lose with this visual record.

You may download this template at: Suburban Mom
An official letter from The Tooth Fairy
Lastly, we have a Tooth Fairy Poem. A unisex template, you can use this to send to boys and girls. Because the creators of the template are dentists, it includes how your child can take care of their teeth, such as brushing, flossing, and eating healthy food. So, this is a both a magical letter and a learning resource. This is great to build your child’s poetry skills and vocabulary, too!

You may download this template at: Purcellville Pediatric Dentistry
How much money does The Tooth Fairy leave?
You can leave from anything from 5c to $5, but there’s really no set amount. It depends largely on your family’s financial situation. Don’t worry too much about it. In my experience with my kids, they don’t really care about how much money they get. For most kids, it’s the experience of receiving a gift that they really treasure.
If you are trying to stay away from giving them money, you can leave them simple items they’d love. For example, The Tooth Fairy gave my youngest daughter her first pearl hair clip. She loved it so much!
What else to consider
Your kid’s age
The length, style and contents of the letter should, of course, suit the age and reading level of your child. For young children, you can start with their poems and rhymes. As they age, the letters should be more lengthy and contain more information about their dental health.
By the time your child loses his/her last baby tooth, she would have known that you are The Tooth Fairy. This time, you can add more details about your expectations for their dental hygiene.
Personalise the letter according to your kid’s interests
Take note of your child’s age and interests. As a mum, you know what your kid likes. Make sure the wording and design of your letter is suited to what your kid wants. Think:
Does your kid love poems?
Does your kid love sparkles and glitters?
Or are they more interested in scholarly or adventure stuff?
That personal touch would make The Tooth Fairy’s letter even more magical!
Different letter for different kids
If you have children around the same age, make sure The Tooth Fairy writes them different letters. This way, your younger kid wouldn’t find the exact same letter in the older sibling’s things. At least for me as a child, there’s nothing more disappointing than finding out I’m not unique! So, make a little bit of effort and make the letters different.
Sure, sooner or later our kids would find out the hard truth. But as long as they’re children, we parents should make their lives as magical and as wonderful as we can.