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9 Earth Month Activities for a Better Planet

April is Earth Month, a time to reflect on how we care for our planet. This year’s Earth Day theme, Our Power. Our Planet., reminds us that every small action adds up. As single mums, our plates are already overflowing, but that doesn’t mean we can’t contribute to environmental protection. The truth is, we do have power, more than we realise. And the choices we make today shape the world our kids will inherit. Here are some simple but powerful Earth Month activities that kids will love. The best thing? These activities are simple enough for you to do them year long.

What is Earth Month and Why Participate in Earth Month Activities?

Earth Month is a time dedicated to raising awareness and taking action for the environment. It originated from Earth Day project, with the official Earth Day falling on April 22nd. Earth Day is an annual celebration that began in 1970 in the United States as a response to increasing pollution and environmental destruction. Over the decades, it has grown into a global movement, with millions of people participating in events and initiatives to protect our planet. Now, Earth Month extends the spirit of Earth Day throughout April, encouraging ongoing efforts toward sustainability and climate action.

In Australia, Earth Month gained traction in the early 2000s, with schools, organisations, and community groups incorporating environmental initiatives throughout April. It has since become a widely recognised time to focus on sustainability, conservation, and climate action, with events like tree planting, beach cleanups, and awareness campaigns happening across Australia.

Here are some of the best Earth Month activities for the whole family:

9 Fun Earth Month Activities to Help the Environment

Join a Local Cleanup Drive

There’s something powerful about seeing a space transform before your eyes. Whether it’s a park, a beach, or just your local footpath, every little bit counts. I'm 100% sure there will be Earth Day activities on April 22 everywhere. I'm also pretty sure there will be cleanups.

My little girl and I celebrated Earth Day 2024 - her first Earth Day celebration - by joining a local clean-up to combat ocean pollution. While she mostly played with the sticks and dirt, it was a beautiful moment, watching strangers come together to fight pollution, filling bin after bin with rubbish. We know that for once, we were giving back to the planet this Earth Month instead of just taking from it. Plus, fresh air and a bit of exercise never hurt!

Fun Earth Month Activities to Help the Environment

Start Composting

If you’ve ever felt a pang of guilt tossing out food scraps, composting is the antidote. It’s a quiet, almost magical way to help the planet. You watch waste turn into something rich and life-giving. I started my bokashi when I realised how much food was wasted during mealtimes (half a banana here, a single bite from an apple there, coffee beans on coffee filters).

At first, it felt like another chore, but over time, it became a small act of care, a reminder that nothing in nature truly goes to waste. Your kid's Earth Day art can even be turned into fertiliser! You can also check out vermicomposting and create your at-home ecosystem of earthworms. You can even turn paper scraps into organic matter.

Switch Off Your Lights on Earth Hour

Earth Hour is more than just switching off lights; it’s a statement. Millions of people around the world joined in pausing for just an hour last March, but no one's stopping you from doing the same on April 22 too. The first time I did this with my little girl, she was more excited about playing with the flashlight than the actual message behind it, but that’s okay. You can use this hour to cuddle with your child for bedtime stories, playing instruments, or having a (soy) candlelight dinner. These little traditions plant seeds, and one day, they’ll sprout into something bigger. By switching off the lights, we can also teach kids about fossil fuels and alternative energy.

Fun and Easy Earth Month Activities for Planet Earth (cont.)

Planetary Diet for a Month

I won’t lie: I used to be all-in on the plant-based lifestyle. And while I no longer label myself, I do believe that eating more plants is known to be one of the easiest ways to show kindness to the planet. It's important to know you don’t have to go fully vegan, but even swapping out meat a few times a week helps. Try a “Meatless Monday” or experiment with new vegetarian recipes this month. One of my go-to lazy dinners is chickpea and tofu curry. It’s cheap, easy, and (miraculously) my three-year-old actually eats it!

Start Your Backyard Garden

There’s something deeply grounding about planting a seed and watching it grow into a seedling. Even if you don’t have space for a full veggie patch, a few pots of herbs can be a great start. The first time my daughter saw a tiny sprout break through the soil, her eyes lit up like it was magic. And maybe it is magic: our own little hands-on way of working with nature instead of against it. You can also scatter seed bombs to germinate in your community garden. Get your hands dirty!

Fun and Easy Earth Month Activities for Planet Earth

Zero Waste Challenge

A zero-waste lifestyle can feel overwhelming, but starting small makes it manageable. Try a “no single-use plastic” challenge for a month. Bring your own bags, say no to plastic straws, and pack snacks in reusable containers. Recycle your kid's botched artwork. My first attempt at this was a disaster (forgot my bags every single time), but once I got into the habit, it became second nature. And let’s be real: half the battle is just remembering!

Fun Earth Month Activities for Kids to Get Involved (cont.)

Political Action

Advocacy over environmental issues doesn’t have to be complicated. Let's face it: as single mums and little kids, who has time for full-blown activism? Signing petitions, emailing local MPs, and supporting eco-friendly policies can make a real difference. Even having conversations with our kids about why these issues matter helps create a future generation that cares. My niece once asked the cashier why we needed so many plastic bags at the shops. Good question, kid! Turns out, little voices can spark big change.

Fun Earth Month Activities for Kids to Get Involved

Buy Secondhand

Fast fashion is a huge contributor to environmental damage, and kids outgrow clothes at an alarming rate. Buying secondhand is one of the best budget-friendly and eco-friendly ways to keep garbage off the landfill. Op shops, Facebook Marketplace, and clothing swaps with other mums are great places to find quality clothes without the hefty price tag. Last fall, I snagged a beautiful, barely-worn winter coat for my daughter at an op shop for just $5. It felt like a small win for both my wallet and the planet.

Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle for School Projects

Kids love getting creative and show off their design skills. Earth Month is a great time to introduce them to recycling and upcycling. Instead of buying new craft supplies for art projects, encourage your little ones to use what’s already at home: cardboard boxes, tin cans, old magazines, and egg cartons.

Last year, my nephew made a rocket ship out of toilet paper rolls and an old shoebox with printable images printed on scrap paper for his science project. It wasn’t perfect, but he was so proud of it and kept some trash from the recycling bin. Schools often encourage using recycled materials, so you get two big thumbs up from Mother Earth. Other unused stuff you can't upcycle you can take to a recycling centre or an op shop.

Final Thoughts: Kid-Friendly Earth Month Activities

If you want to involve your kids in Earth Month activities, keep things fun and simple. It doesn't have to be a puzzle. Make a bird feeder from an old milk carton, have a “nature scavenger hunt” at the park, or challenge them to turn off lights when they leave a room. The goal isn’t perfection but progress.

This Earth Month, let’s remind ourselves that small actions do matter. Educate yourself and your child on the dangers of balloons to animal life and their habitats. Teach about the endless benefits of recycling and being a mindful of our consumption. Protect plants and animals in our daily life. We may not always see the impact immediately, but one day, when our kids grow up in a world that’s just a little bit greener, we’ll know. We played a part in that.

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About the author

Patricia is a mother who loves writing about books, travel, and homemaking the most, while also sharing the things she's learning as she navigates raising a daughter.

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