Ok, I get it .. superannuation is not the most exciting subject. But it is a vitally important part of a financial separation, so you’d do well to get your facts right.
And there is only one lady who will tell it like it is. The plain-talking, all-knowledgeable, Belinda from Divide – Simple Financial Separation. Belinda, also a single mother, works with ex-couples to determine what financial structure will work best for them as 2 single parents co-parenting and then helps them agree on the action plan to implement the new structure as cost effectively as possible.
Now, I usually glaze over at the word ‘superannuation’ but I actually understood everything in this podcast, which is credit to Belinda.
In just 30 minutes you’ll have all the information you need to make the first educated choices around your super and your separation.
The areas we discuss include:
- The importance of including super in your separation process
- The facts around the splitting of super
- Whether super can accessed during your separation
- Tax and super – why you should consider both when separating
- The first steps to get your super in order prior to separation
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